Our Blog
Here you can find past presentations, research, ideas, and a lot more!
Co-Plan Family-School Conferences
Raise your hand if you have ever run out of time in a parent-teacher conference. Teachers are busy, families are busy and too often both walk away unsatisfied by that 10-minute parent-teacher conference.
Equity in Communication
When educators and caregivers communicate, students benefit. The research backs it up! Oftentimes, full schedules, competing priorities, and even implicit biases can result in not all students’ families receiving the type of communication or frequency of communication that they need to be full partners in their child’s education.
Family School Partnerships in the Secondary Grades
In middle and high school, strong family-school partnerships are built when educators, families, and students have trusting relationships and ongoing collaboration around student learning and well-being.
Family Listening Guide
Have you ever prepared an excellent at-home activity that families have never used? Have you planned a fun family night, and no one showed up? Do you know why?